Jonathan Reams is driven by an insatiable curiosity about the essence of human nature and how to cultivate this essence in the service of leadership.
He uses various outlets for achieving this. He held a position at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, from 2007 until 2024, where he taught and did research on leadership development, coaching and counseling. He served as Editor-in Chief of Integral Review, A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal for New Thought, Praxis and Research from 2005 until 2023. He is also a co-founder of the Center for Transformative Leadership and the European Center for Leadership Practice. Jonathan’s Ph.D. is in Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University.
Jonathan practices the cultivation of leadership through consulting and leadership development program design and delivery. He brings awareness based technology to this work, focusing on how the inner workings of human nature can develop leadership capacities for today’s complex challenges.
Here are links to sources that have informed my views in life.
Eckankar has been my spiritual practice since the late 1970s. It is the foundation of what I do in the world and why I do it.
Many years ago I had a dream, walking across a campus talking with David Bohm. What I remember was him saying to me “Make it simple.” This has been a source of inspiration for much of my work.
Part of making it simple has involved utilizing the work of The Arbinger Institute.